Monday, August 21, 2017

Does God pay attention to Elocution?

Written on February 28, 2016, rediscovered today.
On a recent Facebook post it was suggested that pronunciation of Prayers and Mantras is very important. This was in response to someone who translates Sanskrit and Hindi texts into English. I was moved to write this response. 
What are your feelings about my arguments? Open to criticism. Here it is:
"The Lord knows all the languages, especially the language of the heart. Surely he will forgive someone who does not know Sanskrit or cannot read Hindi very well, to mispronounce or to communicate with Him in English. 
Having said that, as a lifelong student of the spiritual life, I do understand that Sound is the beginning, the Origin as it were of life as we know it. Sound carries with it vibrations, and even different vibrations have their own sound, that even silence has sound, so the point about pronunciation is important, because pronunciation is essentially Sound.
Furthermore, may I humbly add that the pronunciation and even the words of certain mantras have been altered in various parts of the world, as different regions influence speech. 
As an example, Om Mani Padme Hum, which is a popular Buddhist chant, is in my understanding derived from Sanskrit, because the religious branch of Buddhism itself is born of Hinduism. This same chant is taught as Om Mani Beme Hum in some Chinese monasteries. 
While correct pronunciation does have a very important place in Prayer and chanting, Understanding of the prayer, or its message is also equally vital, because then communication with the Divine comes from the heart. 
In that kind of heartfelt and loving communication with the Divine, nothing is impure, imperfect or contaminated. The act of Shabri offering her bitten into, (pre tasted for sweetness) fruits to Lord Rama comes to mind. 
The Lord is all forgiving. Even with ignorance and imperfect speech, we can grow if we are striving to change, to evolve to a higher level. Like Valmiki, who was a dacoit, (until his meeting with the sage Narad muni) and was later credited with writing the Ramayana. 
The Lord is all forgiving, it is us humans, including some staunch devotees who are unable to find forgiveness in our hearts. 
Prayers and mantras written by the greats such as Adi Sankaracharya, and so many others who preceded and followed him, carry the vibrations of not just the words they wrote, but also the Energy and Vibrations of their devotion. Yet, the very same prayer can answer different requests from different devotees, keeping the integrity of the prayer intact, while expanding its scope. Even abundance and riches have different forms, so the same prayer of abundance can manifest differently.
When the works of these ancient greats and Enlightened Masters are translated into English, they reach a wider audience, penetrating the consciousness of a larger humanity. 
The Purpose and the message of these Prayers and Masters is better served by translation into a widely understood language such as English. 
Even in the originating motherland of these Slokas, India with its hundreds of dialects and several regional languages, it is English that is the uniting language of the country. 
Therefore better mispronounced, than missing out on the living treasures that is in the messages and wisdom of the Indian scriptures, prayers, mantras and Bhajans."
Veenu Banga 28 February 2016.