Sunday, January 30, 2022

A blast from the past

 My sunflowers: 

They were hurtful and humiliating, 

Most of all they were unkind, 

If they derided my lack of domestic skill,

Why could they not love me for my mind? 

Veenu Banga

30th January 2022.

But written a long time ago! 

11:21 pm.

KB makes every woman feel beautiful

 And every man perfect! 

The joy of watching KB sing to his small audience with a handful of musicians is just such a pleasure to watch. It’s a great experience of inclusivity in the performance itself, as if one were in a private concert. 

In the few minutes that his voice brings the TV program to a close, every heart is moved by his soulful singing. 

Women of all ages, weather blossoming with the beauty that only youth can boast of, or middle aged women with generously endowed bodies, some with old fashioned glasses, and others of varying appearance, are all seen glowing and many sing along with him. There’s a lot of head nodding, and toes tapping. 

The men too have a soft wistfulness about them, something that happens only when they’re either in the privacy of their bedrooms, or unawares that they’re been observed. With KB’s singing their emotions are also caught off guard, and can be seen involuntarily expressed on their softened faces. That’s quite amusing to watch, because guys prefer to display their tough exteriors, and don’t like to be seen as romantics. 

And KB carries on, sometimes solo, sometimes with a female singer. With his contrived perfections, the imperfections are a clear giveaway to the observant eye. But who’s looking, all are mesmerized by his voice. 

There’s backslapping by the men and amidst their wah-wah’s, it’s clearly obvious they’ve immersed themselves in the music, as much as the women, who have been more expressive about it. 

So go on, KB, keep going on. Here’s the adulation of one more fan, you don’t know exists. As ABBA said, “Thank you for the music, for giving it to me” 

Thank you KB for the joy you bring with your songs, a few minutes can change one’s whole day! 

Veenu Banga

30th January 2022

11:11 pm.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Body keeps track

 If we think we can get away with abusing our body, taking it for granted, it will sooner or later let you know who the boss really is. 

We presume we are our bodies, and that our actions are separated from any effects on our physical and emotional selves. Intellectually, we all know this is not true, and we, and I speak for myself, need to be reminded from time to time. Though I’m getting better. I was not always like this. 

Late nights and holiday indulgences have taken some toll and my body has clearly let me know that’s not acceptable. So I’ve slept most of the last 24 hours. 

Besides, I’m all wintered out. Wearing layers of clothing and cap and scarf  and a coat over all of that, plus struggling to keep the mask on is not my style- at least not for prolonged periods of time. 

I thought I could keep up my daily gratitude writing habit permanently. That would have been easy, except that one break can have a domino effect and threw me off course. 

Ended up writing other stuff which, let’s just say I thought should wait. 

Grateful today, or rather tonight for feeling better now, after my foolishness of not wearing a coat and the accompanying paraphernalia when we had to go for our COVID tests after a 5 days quarantine since arriving in NL. Ended up getting sick with catching cold. Not the sneezing kind, but the wind blast headache and chills. Soon found myself with a full blown migraine type horror which kept me in bed. Lesson learned. I hope. Oh, and the test results were negative. Thank God for that too. 

Was constantly sipping hot water, most of which I couldn’t keep down. That’s my style of being really sick when I do something wrong. A hot water bottle always helps. Finally I think it may have been the one ounce of ginger ale that came to the rescue. Such a pretty can, called Gingerella! 

Woke up to drink water, again! Thought I’d check on something on my phone, and then decided I miss not having written. So here I am , and headed to the kitchen to refill my hot water bottle. They are such a comfort. 

For the hot water bottle, and for safe passage across the air and the seas, and on trams and trains and on roads, thank you God. 

Veenu Banga

30th January 2022. 

2:07 am