Thursday, July 4, 2024

Gratitude Steak?

 Good Lord, had no idea that on my last birthday post, I was already thinking of the Gratitude steak I had what seems like yesterday, but is already a couple of years ago.

The steak stuff came up because of Duo Lingo. He’s such a cutie, trying so beard to please me. Had been rewarding me for my 5 day streak and now shows up all hurt and sad face, saying, “Looks like you’re ignoring me, so I will not trouble you for now,” or words to that end.

However, a couple of nights ago, I seriously, genuinely, in all earnestness was thinking about gratitude, when there was the stubborn weather to complain about. Weather is such a big deal, amongst us foolish mere mortals. I have not even visited my blog at say, “Hi!”

Anyway, here I was in be, with the Dyson heating on, grumbling how cold it was despite peak summer. Even Sweden was warmer this time, much much warmer! A glorious 15 full days, in a summer of endless days and reluctant and reclusive nights. Sunrise was around 3:00 am when we arrived, and sunset was 10:36 pm. Then after the solstice, it changed with sunset happening earlier, and sunrise a little late. However, not one night did I see any starts, not even when I woke up at night to go..well, you know, women’s bladders never disappoint. I did not have to set the alarm to wake up in the middle of the ‘night’, to see the stars. 

And I was not alone. The poor birds were also quite confused. They were up all almost night blabbering and chirping away, except the pigeons, OMG- there long cooing admonishments went on and in and on.

I must be a Master of Digression. I was talking about being in bed and gratitude. Well, with the Dyson on, it became warm pretty quickly and I wanted to remove my socks using just my toes. Nope! Did not happen. I had to use my hands, as there’s no Pratima in my life here, to spoil me, with her nighttime winter massages with moisturizing creme on my arms and hands and feet. Then she put on the socks on my feet and tucked me into bed. Again, I digress! Ha! Does that make me an MD, Haha, Master of Digression! 😁

Okay, I was trying to remove my socks with my toes! Nope. Couldn’t even pull then down a cm (ahem, me using metric! ) That’s when I realized I was wearing my REI purchased socks. Big gratitude for those small pieces of foot clothing. It’s the best investment. They’re all so good. Farm to feet have to be my favorite. Green gray, which I’m wearing today, are also good. No holes, despite my wearing them pretty rough. So that’s what I’m grateful for today, this week rather. 

For the thinner socks, it has to be DKNY. (Donna Karan New York) are pretty good. Nice firm grip without being tight, and no holes, which showed up on my go;d toes and all that crap. I have so many socks with just a small hole in on of the pair. Has to be the male ? I don’t want to wear them, and can’t bring myse;f to throw them because of it pretty good condition. 

I know there’ll be errors. Will fox in the morning. Trying to get my blogging steak started. Gratitude rather. Forgive me for the errors, the typos, the grammar. But I’m back, dear blog, thank you for waiting. Eyes closing, and headed to bed and sweet slumber. He, grateful for that too! 

Veenu Banga

July 4th, 2024


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